Few days now I've been making custom orders for TAFF and I have not been able to write new posts. Also next week will be quite hasty since TAFF is on Saturday so I need to make few pair more of the nipple pasties, few hair clips and few pairs of leg harnesses.
So I finally I got my skully dress that I have been dreaming of for months.
The shape of the dress is very different from what I usually make, but this time I really wanted to step out of my comfort zone. I found exactly the kind of fabric that I was looking for from Eurokangas fabric bins once again. Price for the fabric was 25 €/kg so it cost around 15 €.
I drew, edited and programmed the picture for the embroidery machine and my mom embroidered the picture for me since she took the machine with her on her last visit. She said that it took 3,5 hours for the machine to make the skull. But I really think it was worth it since it looks awesome. I wanted to use black on black so that the picture does not jump out too much.
I really need to use this skull print for different projects since I went through the trouble of programming the picture. Because that also takes so much time.
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Also I would like to hear what kind of posts you would like to read? Today's outfit, making of or/and current obsessions.
Kuvista ei valitettavasti näy kovin hyvin, että pääkallokuvion kirjottu pinta on kolmiulotteinen. Kirjontalanka on myös korkeakiiltoista, joten kuviosta on vaikea saada hyvää valokuvaa. Luonnossa kuvio näyttää todella upealta.